
  • Rido Juneson Lase Universitas Batam
  • Ratna Dewi Silalahi Universitas Batam
  • Ika Novita Sari Universitas Batam



Therapeutic communication, anxiety, patients aged 6-12


The infusion installment admittedly to young patients even to some adults, somehow, is seen as a medical procedure that arouses anxiety, fear, and uncomfortable feelings mostly because of the pain as the needle inserted through the skin. However, among many of the approaches suggested to avoid or at least to surmount such discomforts is by showing the patients sympathetic gestures such as providing therapeutic communication during the process as this is viewed as beneficial as therapy at the same time. This research aims to investigate the correlation of nurse’s therapeutic communication and the anxiety levels of patients aged 6-12 during the infusion installment in the Childcare Ward. The design of the research employs analytic quantitative with cross-sectional approach. The data collecting technique employs purposive sampling with the total population of 30 respondents. The univariate analysis result shows that 22 nurses (73.3%) do the therapeutic communication during the infusion installments which affects 18 (60%) children patients to experience lessenanxiety during its process. Besides, statistically, from the chi-square test, it is revealed that p value = 0.003 (< 0.05) which indicates significant correlation between of nurse’s therapeutic communication and the anxiety levels of patients aged 6-12 during the infusion installment in the Childcare Ward of the Santa Elisabeth Hospital of Batam, 2017. In suggestion, the Santa Elisabeth Hospital of Batam as a healthcare institution is expected to improve their quality of service, for instance, by training the healthcare workers like the nurses to show more sympathetic gestures like providing therapeutic communication during the process of infusion installments.

Author Biographies

Rido Juneson Lase, Universitas Batam

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines

Ratna Dewi Silalahi, Universitas Batam

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines

Ika Novita Sari, Universitas Batam

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines


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