
  • Hidul Yusman Efendi Universitas Batam
  • Muhamad Sigid Safarudin Universitas Batam



The greater the performance level of a company / agency can not be separated from the need for information. Information should be able to appear in a form that meets these needs required a medium that can provide information very easily and quickly, Satuan Reskrim Polresta Barelang is the executing body of a function unit domiciled under the Barelang Police. Satuan Reskrim Polresta Barelang is in charge of carrying out the main duties of the Police in the maintenance of security and public need  and necessity, law enforcement and the provision of protection, protection and service to the community and other Polri duties within its jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of law and regulations and policies applicable in the organization Polri, The study was conducted at Barelang Rescrim Unit Barelang. This research was conducted to create an application program capable of processing data of suspect data concerned with cases that occurred and handled. Information System Suspect Satker Criminal Polresta Barelang web-based is made using PHP programming language. This application is expected to assist police performance in identifying a criminal case.

Author Biographies

Hidul Yusman Efendi, Universitas Batam

Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Sistem Informasi,

Muhamad Sigid Safarudin, Universitas Batam

Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Sistem Informasi,


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