Proof, Testimony of Witnesses, Children, Sexual AbuseAbstract
In the juridical analysis of the evidence of witnesses of child victims in the crime of molestation (a research study in Batam Kota Polsekta) aims to discuss the testimony of child victim witnesses did not have the power of proof or did not have the value of proof, in Article 1 number 27 KUHAP, by Article 171 KUHAP, which is one of the formulas stating that child witnesses are not yet fifteen years old and in the crime of molestation (1) collecting evidence, (2) testimony of the victim, and (3) witnesses not present during the examination (4) post mortem and investigator efforts to prove the testimony of child victim witnesses in the crime of sexual abuse are questions that the investigator gives the victim not to corner the victim, the investigator does not prevent the victim's companion when reporting, the investigator must be active, meaning the victim is not burdened with collecting his own evidence. The conclusion is expected to require a regulation that gives nine witnesses to child victims so that there is a regulation that provides a position that witness testimony of child victims has the power of proof and the Investigator makes efforts to protect the law against children as victims of sexual abuse.References
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