Teknik: Jurnal Ilmiah2022-08-13T09:13:59+00:00Dr. Ir. Edi Indera, Journal Systems<p>Zona Teknik adalah Jurnal peer-review yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Batam. Zona Teknik bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan artikel, hasil penelitian maupun tulisan ilmiah popular yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa, dosen dan penulis lainnya,di bidang ilmu keteknikan yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pengembangan Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, Sistem Informasi, Scada Sistem, Artificial Intelegent, Modeling Sistem, Teknik Industri, Teknologi Pendidikan dan Teknopreneur di Indonesia dan di dunia. Zona Teknik Konsisten dengan tujuannya, Zona Teknik memberikan wawasan di bidang Eksperimental, Design (perancangan), Perencanaan dan pemodelas system (Planning and modeling system), Penerapan metode (Implementation method), dan kajian pustaka (over view) untuk akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, regulator, mahasiswa, dan pihak lain yang tertarik dalam pengembangan bidang tersebut.</p> <p>Zona Teknik menerima naskah penelitian yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris. Zona Teknik menerima manuskrip dari penulis Indonesia dan juga penulis dari berbagai belahan dunia.<br /><br />Zona Teknik Fakultas Teknik telah menerbitkan artikel penelitian dalam media cetak sejak Maret Tahun 2007, secara teratur menerbitkan dua edisi per tahun (Bulan Maret dan Agustus). Minimal 5 Artikel per nomor dalam satu volume terbit di Zona Teknik.</p> Rele Gangguan Tanah Untuk Menjaga Keandalan Sistem Tenaga Listrik Pada PT.X Menggunakan ETAP 12.6.02022-08-13T08:17:25+00:00Rahmat Saputrarahmatsaputra239@gmail.comJumadril JNrahmatsaputra239@gmail.comDjoko Anwar<p><em>In maintaining the quality and maintaining the quantity of production, PT. X is trying to reduce blackouts in the distribution of electricity. One of the causes of blackouts in the distribution of electricity is a single-phase short-circuit current to ground. The protection that functions to secure the single-phase short-circuit current to the ground is the ground fault relay. The reason this relay works is due to a short-circuit to ground fault that occurs in the electric power distribution system at PT. X. Therefore, it is hoped that the GFR protection relay will work as well as possible so as not to cause a total blackout and cause other equipment to be damaged which will disrupt the production process of PT. X. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to evaluate the settings of the GFR protection relay that has been applied to the PT. X power distribution system by conducting simulations using ETAP 12.6.0 software. Key words : Fault, Protection, ground fault relay (GFR), ETAP 12.6.0</em></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Rahmat Saputra, Jumadril JN, Djoko Anwar Mardiono Machine Learning Untuk Deteksi Serangan Code<p><em>Code Injection is one of the top forms of cybersecurity attack in the modern world. To overcome the limitations of conventional signature-based detection techniques, and to complement them, several Machine Learning approaches have been proposed. When analysing this approach, the survey focused primarily on common intrusion detection, which can be further applied to specific vulnerabilities. In addition, between the steps of Machine Learning, there is a data pre-processing phase, which is very important in the data analysis process. This data pre-processing appears to have been the least researched in the context of Network Intrusion detection, i.e. in Code Injection. The aim of this survey is to fill the gap by analysing and classifying existing Machine Learning techniques, which are applied to Code Injection attack detection, with particular attention to Deep Learning . Our analysis reveals that the way input data is pre-processed greatly affects performance and attack detection rates. The proposed pre-processing cycle demonstrates how various Machine Learning -based approaches to detect Code Injection attacks take advantage of different input data pre-processing techniques.</em></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Suroto, John Friadi, Sultan Septian Manfaat dan Perkembangan Tes Turing2022-08-13T08:47:41+00:00Muhamad Sigid<p><em>The Imitation Games is the best film at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) based on audience ratings. This film contains a biography of Alan Turing who was a British mathematician who managed to crack the code in the Second World War (Putra, 2014). Turing's fame could not be separated from his success in cracking the code of the enigma machine. The principle of the Turing machine either because it was solved or not is still used today. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing the history, working principles and the development of the application of the Turing machine to date. Data is collected based on papers and articles obtained online. While the conclusion of this research is that this test was carried out in the 1950s, it seems that machines can fool humans in a short communication but it does not allow computers to determine whether something is true or not but only determines how "humane" the answers given by a machine are. Turing himself explained that the test has never been and will never be a test to measure the level of human intelligence or even be considered human</em></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Muhamad Sigid Safarudin, John Friadi, Rafina, Asman Rugi Rugi Tenaga Listrik pada Terminasi Cubicle 20kV SF6 ke LVMDP (Low Voltage Main Distribution Panel)2022-08-13T08:56:01+00:00Bambang Apriyantobambang.apriyanto71@gmail.comDjoko Anwar Mardionobambang.apriyanto71@gmail.comFandy<p><em>In this study, electricity losses that have the potential to occur in electrical protection system installed in medium voltage are analysed. These losses must be taken account in order to achieve a reliable and efficient electricity system. Therefore, to find out this potential loss, it is necessary to calculate and measure the installation network from the 20KV SF6 Cubicle to the Low Voltage Main Distribution Panel (LVMDP) after it is installed. The results of the calculations and measurements show that the total harmonic distortion (THD) for both current and voltage is still within the tolerance limits according to the IEEE standard. Thus, the part of the protection system that was analysed for losses was verified to be within normal limits and suitable for use in this medium voltage network installations.</em></p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Bambang Apriyanto, Djoko Anwar Mardiono, Fandy Iood Perencanaan Pondasi Tiang Pancang Sebagai Alternative Pengganti Pondasi Bore Pile Pada Nagoya Hill Hotel Ditinjau Dari Metode Kerja, Daya Dukung Dan Biaya Pelaksanaannya2022-08-13T09:02:57+00:00Darwin Nasutionrahmatsaputra239@gmail.comPanusunanrahmatsaputra239@gmail.comEdi<p><em>The foundation is the most important part of a building. In development can not be separated from the cost. Financial planning in a construction project is done by calculating the estimated construction costs needed in planning the development of an infrastructure. will be carried out to answer and convince the owner of the capital (owner). So that the pile foundation was chosen as an alternative to the bore pile foundation. Then an analysis is carried out in terms of work methods, carrying capacity and implementation costs, which is one of the most economical. The data used for planning uses secondary data from field investigations, namely land data (Sondir test), SAP2000 Output Table of existing buildings and implementation costs. Then the calculation analysis is carried out for the planning of the pile foundation on the building. From the calculation results obtained for planning with a pile foundation measuring 40cm x 40cm, foundation P1 = 2 points, P2 = 5 points, P3 = 6 points, P4 = 9 points, P4A = 8 points, P5 = 12 points, PL1 = 5 point, P2L = 4 points. Based on the results of the calculation of the cost of implementing the pile foundation of Rp.2,091,500,000 while the cost of implementing the existing drill pile foundation is Rp. 2,346,989,124.50, the difference between the cost of the pile foundation and the drill pile foundation is Rp. 255,489,124.50 of these differences, the more efficient is the pile foundation.</em></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Darwin Nasution, Panusunan, Edi Indera Sistem Kanban Barcode Pada Area Warehouse2022-08-13T09:08:29+00:00Abdullah Octaviani<p><em>PT Suntech Plastics Industries Batam was established on October 5, 1999, is a manufacturer of plastic components in Batam. In the process of recording transactions of goods entering the warehouse or called GTN (Goods Transfer Notes) manually, there is the potential for recording errors to occur, causing data discrepancies between report data and actual goods. Based on data in June 2021 with a GTN frequency of 1,734 times, there Stock Errors were 108 times. The design of the Kanban System Barcode in this study aims to reduce the problems that occur in the transaction process of goods entering the warehouse. The results of using the kanban system barcode method, show a decrease in Stock Error to 14 times with GTN data in July 2021 as many as 1,161 times. And percentage data Stock Error in June amounted to 89% down to 11% in July. In addition, there is a decrease in working time on the process flow map from 43 minutes to 23 minutes and can reduce repetitive work processes in the GTN process. </em></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Abdullah Merjani, Rini Octaviani Santosa Kinerja Struktur Pada Gedung Bertingkat Dengan Analisa Respon Spektrum Menggunakan Software Etabs Versi 20132022-08-13T09:13:59+00:00Edi<p><em>Indonesia is an earthquake-prone country with different levels of seismic activity in each region. The earthquake area in Indonesia is divided into 6 (six) earthquake zones according to SNI 1726 - 2002. Batam is included in the zone 1 (one) area with a low level of seismicity, so the high-rise building structure is planned for earthquakes that have been regulated in SNI 03-1726-2002 and SNI 03-2847-2002. Therefore, this final project discusses the design of earthquake load-bearing structures with ordinary moment resisting frame systems with the aim of getting the best structural system in terms of strength, stiffness, durability and economics of structures in high-rise buildings. The design of the building structure used the 2013 ETABS program with the adjustment of the strength parameters of the material used. Quality of concrete (f'c = 30MPa) & quality of reinforcing steel (fy=400MPa) From the structural design analysis, it is found that the stiffness, strength and resistance of the ordinary moment-bearing frame system with the dimensions of the upper structural components of the main portal are columns measuring 600mm x 900mm and beams measuring 300mm x 700mm.</em></p>2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Edi Indera, Putut Prayitno, Fauzan