Ekonomi: Jurnal Ekonomi2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Dr. I Wayan Catrayasa, Journal Systems<p align="justify">Zona Ekonomi adalah jurnal peer-review yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Batam. Zona Ekonomi bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian, pengkajian, dan pengembangan bidang ekonomi, khususnya bidang manajemen, bisnis dan bidang akuntansi keuangan, serta bidang ekonomi lainnya. Zona Ekonomi Konsisten dengan tujuannya, Zona Ekonomi memberikan wawasan di bidang Ekonomi untuk akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, regulator, mahasiswa, dan pihak lain yang tertarik dalam pengembangan ilmu Ekonomi. Artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam Zona Ekonomi dapat berupa Artikel Penelitian maupun Artikel Konseptual (non-penelitian). Zona Ekonomi menerima naskah penelitian yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris. Zona Ekonomi menerima manuskrip dari penulis Indonesia dan juga penulis dari berbagai belahan dunia.</p><p align="justify">Zona Ekonomi ini terbit perdana dalam media cetak pada bulan Februari 2007 yang terbit dalam dua edisi per tahun (Bulan Februari dan Agustus).</p> FASILITAS, KEDISIPLINAN DAN KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN B’RIGHT PLN BATAM UNIT LOGISTIK SERVICE BUSSINESS UNIT2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Erlangga Saputraerlanggasaputra152@gmail.comSri Ratnas Langgeng<p><em>Competitive a company depends on ability of the company to get their optimal performance. Good performance that company haved will</em><em> </em><em>be achieved if productivity working of staff that haved progress or imptovement.Many factors can give effect to make good performance staff of a company, include staff themselves or any environment of company. The factors can give determinant such as facilities, discipline and leadership like in this research. The objective of this research is to know find out facilities, discipline and leadership make significant determination toward staff performance in B`Right PLN Batam. Population of this research is 107 staffs and sample is 85 staffs. Method of this research is assosiatif explanatory, that to give</em><em> </em><em>descript the relation between variables of research. Result of the research shown determination coefficient is 0.604, that have meaning 60.4%</em><em> </em><em>of performance affected by facilities, discipline and leadership, the other percent affected by another factors that not investigated in this research. </em></p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi MOTIVASI KERJA, BUDAYA ORGANISASI, DAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI KECAMATAN BENGKONG2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Yuliana Yulianayuliana20245@gmail.comJemmy<p><em>Improving performance is not easy because of many factors that affect a person's high and low performance. Employee performance is one thing that is very important in an organization to achieve objectives so that organization should do to improve it. The purpose of this research was for analyze the</em> <em>determination of motivation, organizational culture and leadership style against performance in Bengkong District Office partialy and simultaneously</em>.<em> </em><em>The population in this study are the Bengkong District Office Employee totaling 57 peoples, using the Slovin formula, a sample is taken to represent the study population and the result to represent the population are 50 peoples. Sampling and population was randomly so that each employee has an equal opportunity to be selected as a sample.</em><em> </em><em>The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach, while the kind of research is a survey while the descriptive analytic method by means of data analysis using multiple linear regression. The data collection by questionnaire and analyzed by regression using SPSS version 22.</em><em> </em><em>The results of the data analysis of the data obtained regression coefficient of work motivation (b1) = 0241 with Sig. 0.148. The regression coefficient Cultural Organization (b2) = 0.096 with Sig. 0.410. Leadership Style regression coefficient (b3) = 0.291 with Sig. 0.824. Then the F value is 2.557 with the Sig. 0,067.</em><em> </em><em>Results showed that motivation, organizational culture and leadership style determiner against performance in Bengkong District Office.</em></p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi KOMPENSASI, MOTIVASI DAN SISTEM KARIR TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN DI PT. BATAM AERO TECHNIC2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Nursaleha Nursalehanursaleha77@gmail.comDiana Titik<p>Compensation in the enterprise is a very important role in managing human resources in order to provide results or performance is optimal in achieving the targets to be achieved by the company, as well as providing motivation and system, the right career to be able to improve the performance of employees so as to make the achievement of the target company Well done. This study aims to determine the compensation for partial determination of the performance, to find the motivation partially on performance, to determine the career system partially on performance, and determine compensation, motivation and career systems simultaneously on performance. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire. Secondary data was collected from the documentation such as company profile. The samples in this research using random sampling techniques. The sample size was calculated using the formula slovin. Hypothesis testing is done by t-test for the partial test and F test to test simultaneously. Based on the results of hypothesis testing showed that partial compensation is determined significantly to the performance, the motivation is determined significantly to the performance and the career system is determined significantly on employee performance. Simultaneously, compensation, motivation and career systems is determined significantly on employee performance.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi MOTIVASI, DISIPLIN DAN KOMPENSASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. WIKA CITRA LAUTAN TEDUH2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Egik Irwan Herlambangirwan_egik@yahoo.comIndrayani<p>The purpose of this research was for testing and analyzing determinant of motivation, disciplination, and compensation of employee performance in PT Wika Citra Lautan Teduh. Motivation and disciplination are such an important rule in performance value, and compensation has influence to employee performance, when higher compensation the employee could get, would be higher the performance they would give. Performance is comparation of output the employee could reached of the company’s standart. Testing data technique that used in this research includes validation test with factor analyze, reliability test with Cronbach Alpha. Classic asumtion test and multiple linear regression analyze for testing and proofing the hyphotesis of this research. Collecting data was using questionnaire, and analyzed by software SPSS version 21. The result of hyphotesis test for motivation, has positive influence to employee performance, with t test was 2,514, in significance by 0,013, means hyphotesis of this research was accepting Ha and rejecting Ho. Second hyphotesis of disciplination showed, it has influence to employee performance by -1,778 with significance level by 0.078 (Sig. 0.078 > 0.05) which means accepting Ho and rejecting Ha. Third hyphotesis showed that compensation has influence to employee performance</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi DISIPLIN, KOMPENSASI DAN MUTASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI KANTOR SEKRETARIAT DPRD KOTA BATAM2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Wenny Efriantiwennyefrianti@gmail.comChablullah<p>his study aims to identify and analyze the determination of discipline, compensation and mutations one at the same time the performance of employees in the Office of Legislative Secretariat Batam. This study uses three independent variables, discipline, compensation and mutation with one dependent variable namely performance. Usages of variables in this study is expected to know how is the process that occurs and what are the factors driving the creation of a good performance in the Parliament Secretariat Batam. These samples included 66 people who are employees at the Parliament Secretariat Batam. Samples were taken by sampling techniques. Data analysis method used is quantitative analysis, the validity, reliability test, classic assumption test, test multikoloniaritas, heterocedasticity test, normality test, multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, f, test the coefficient of determination R2.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi, MOTIVASI KERJA DAN DISIPLIN KERJA SEBAGAI PREDIKTOR TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. TELKOM Tbk. SEKUPANG BATAM2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Prima Wilcox Branata Mwilcox_prima@yahoo.comNgaliman<p>Variable in this research include free variable, namely Compensation (X1), motivation (X2), Discipline (X3), and the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). formulation of the problem in this study is whether the compensation, motivation, and discipline has a predictor of the performance of employees of PT. Sekupang Batam. This study uses quantitative data derived from primary data collected through questionnaires. The population in this study were all employees of as many as 105 people and sampling using the formula Slovin. Methods of data analysis used in this study is the use test instrument calibration is made by testing the validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis method, the validity, reliability, normality test, multicolinearity, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test, multiple regression analysis, T test, F test, test the coefficient of determination R2. Based on the results of data analysis showed that the variable compensation has a significant influence on the performance by t sig of 0.035 <0.05, motivational variables have a significant influence on the performance of the test value t sig 0.025 <0.05, and variable work discipline also has a significant influence on the performance of the test value t sig of 0.000 <0.05. Based on the results of test calculations F, together variable compensation, motivation, and discipline have significant effects on work performance with the value of F sig 0.000 <0.05.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi PENGARUH JARAK, KEAMANAN, BRAND IMAGE, FASILITAS DAN BIAYA PENDIDIKAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN MAHASISWA MELANJUTKAN STUDI PADA FAKULTAS EKONOMI UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS KAMPUS II PAYAKUMBUH2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Nelvia<p>This study aims to determine whether the distance factor, safety factor, brand image, educational facilities and cost of education affects student decisions to continue his studies at Economic Faculty of Andalas University in Payakumbuh. This research data were collected from 100 students Economic Faculty of Andalas University in Payakumbuh. The techniques used was accidental sampling. Based on research result, obtained by regression equation as follows : Y = -0,842 – 0,323X<span>1 </span>+ 0,305X<span>2 </span>+ 0,374X<span>3 </span>+ 0,200X<span>4 </span>– 0,224X<span>5</span>. Variable independent of the most influental variable on the dependent variable is brand image (0,374), followed by variabel of distance factor (0,323), then variable of safety factor (0,305), cost of education (0,224), and the last is the variable of educational facilities (0,200). The coefficient of determination obtained 0,616 for this case means 61,6% of the decision to continue their studies can be explained by the variable of distance factor, safety factor, brand image, cost of educational, and educational facilities, while remaining 38,4% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERN PIUTANG USAHA PADA PT. BPR BANDA RAYA BATAM2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Sai’ul<p>The purpose of this study was to analyse the internal control system of accounts receivable at PT. RB Banda Raya Batam. The variables in this study include the independent variables are the internal control (X) and the dependent variable is accounts receivable (Y). This study uses observational data and interviews are derived from primary data collected through questionnaires. The population in this study is data PT. BPR Banda Raya of 5 departments of all sampled. The results showed that in partial internal control systems significant effect on the accounts.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi MOTIVASI, KOMUNIKASI DAN KOMPETENSI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. CAPELLA DINAMIK NUSANTARA BATAM2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Adi Wardayaadi.rally08lunga@gmail.comBambang<p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the motivation, communication and work efficiency on the performance of employees of PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Batam.Variabel in this research covers free motivation ivariabel (X1), Communication (X2) and Work Competence (X3), and the related variable is Employee Performance (Y). The formulation of problem in this research is motivation, communication, and work competence have influence to employee performance at PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Batam. This study uses quantitative data derived from the primary data collected through the questionnaire. The population in this research is PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Batam, as many as 119 people. Because in this study using Slovin formula. Data analysis method used in this research is instrument test with testing through validity test, and reliability, data analysis technique used with descriptive method, multiple linear analysis and hypothesis test.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi DISIPLIN, PENGEMBANGAN DAN PRESTASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. HALLIBURTON BATAM2020-03-30T12:03:34+00:00Hasnan Hasnanhasnan933@gmail.comSri<p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of the discipline, development, work performance on employee performance. The variables in this study include the independent variables are disciplined (X1) development (X2) achievement (X3) and the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the discipline, the development and achievements have contributed to the performance of employees of PT.Halliburton Batam. This research uses quantitative data derived from primary data collected through questionnaires. The population in this study were all employees' performance as much as 50 people and sampling using the formula Census. The data analysis method used is the test instrument testing done by testing the validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the discipline has contributed significantly to the performance of employees with t values of 2,102 and a probability value of 0.041; development has contributed significantly to the performance of employees with t values of 2,206 and a probability value of 0.036; and achievements have contributed but no significant effect on the performance of employees with t value of 0.694 dam probability value 0.491; and discipline, development, simultaneous achievement has a contributiontoemployeeperformance. It can be concluded that discipline, development, achievements have contributed positively and significantly partially on the performance of employees. As well as the discipline and development simultaneously have a major contribution to the performance of employees. While the performance of the employee has a contribution by the discipline, development, achievement of 19.4% while the remaining 80.6% have contributed by other factors not included in the study.</p>2017-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Ilmiah Zona Ekonomi