Water is one of the energy sources that are environmentally friendly and relatively easy in the can, because of the potential energy stored water (water falls) and kinetic energy (water flow). Hydropower (Hydropower) is energy obtained from yamg water flow. The energy of the water can be harnessed and used in wujut mechanical energy and electrical energy. Energy utilization of water is mostly done using a water wheel or water turbine which utilizes a waterfall or water in the river. In the design of sluice pengontorlan automatically on the MHP, the water in the dam will flow through the sluice gates to discharge water to the required standard. This design comes flow sensors, flow sensors serves as an input to control the sluice gates that automatically open and close the floodgates. And also uses a DC motor which berfunfsi to open and close the sluice controlled by the flow sensor. And there is also using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is one of the media appear that use liquid crystal as the main viewer is used to display numeric characters, experimental results on the opening and closing of the sluice gates using PID is functioning properly. When the value of Kp 35, 0001 Ki, and Kd 0.1 percent error then can the average 38.34% and while the value of Kp 25, 0001 Ki, and Kd 0.1 percent error then can the average 64.91%. And a good result is to use the value of Kp 35, 0001 Ki, and Kd 0.1 with an average error of 38.34%.References
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Adib Moch. Musyafa, “RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PRABAYAR PADA PDAM BERBASIS ARDUINO UNO R3,â€Jurnal, Jurusan Sistem Komputer, STMIK STIKOM Surabaya, 2015.
AnalogDevice.“Datasheet Water Flow Sensorâ€. Internet : http://www.seeedstudio.comdepot/datasheet/water%20flow%20sensor%20datasheet.pdf, [30 Agustus 2015].
Analog Device. “Data sheet L298â€. Internet : http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD00000240.pdf, [26 Agustus 2015].
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