Now, processing payroll data at PT. Indonesia Villa Jaya Batam Center still use manual way, causing some problems, including processing payroll data that still looks slow resulting in payroll processing and data search is hard to do that’s why a reference construction of information systems Payroll which can provide information about employee payroll data at PT. Indonesia Villa JayaThe information system will be built using the method of case study at company, where the data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and literature. For data analysis techniques using UML Diagrams analysis model using Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) to illustrate data model.and for design using Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram. The data processed in this system include employee data, attendance data and overtime and payroll data. While the output of the system in the form of employee data reports, attendance reports, reports of overtime, salary reports, letter approve salary and letter disapprove salary.Based on the analysis and design of information systems payroll and employee data PT. Indonesia Villa Jaya able to produce the payroll process automatically and objectively so the process of payroll employees will not take a long time.References
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