Zona Komputer: Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Batam 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Fendi Hidayat, S.T., M.Kom [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Zona Komputer adalah Jurnal peer-review yang dikelola oleh Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Universitas Batam. Zona Komputer bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan artikel, hasil penelitian maupun tulisan ilmiah popular yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa, dosen dan penulis lainnya, di bidang pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan komputer dan informatika, fokus pada sains ilmu komputer, teknologi komputer tepat guna, dan rancang bangun sistem informasi untuk akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, regulator, mahasiswa, dan pihak lain yang tertarik dalam pengembangan bidang tersebut. Zona Komputer menerima naskah penelitian yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris. Zona Komputer menerima manuskrip dari penulis Indonesia dan juga penulis dari berbagai belahan dunia.</p><p>Zona Komputer ini terbit perdana dalam media cetak pada Desember Tahun 2010 dengan terbit dua edisi (Desember dan Juni). Sejak April 2014 dari Vol 4 terbitan No 1 (April), Zona Komputer menerbitkan tiga edisi per tahun yaitu April, Agustus dan Desember. Minimal 5 Artikel per nomor dalam satu volume terbit di Zona Komputer.</p> ADOPSI PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DALAM PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN BAGI UMKM 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Muhamad Sigid Safarudin [email protected] Debby Agestira Maulidya Putri [email protected] <p><em>It is undeniable that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or what is known as MSMEs have a very important role in the Indonesian economy. Many studies have been carried out related to MSMEs with various problems. One of the known problems is the preparation of financial reports. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive and associative research methods. Data were collected based on research topics and analysis by means of comparison. The results of this study indicate that in order for SI (Social Influence) to have a high positive effect, assistance is needed. Training and outreach will help MSMEs understand the difficulty of using financial reporting software. It is recommended that the socialization and training carried out can be followed by a routine and regular mentoring pattern for MSMEs.</em></p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Muhamad Sigid Safarudin, Debby Agestira Maulidya Putri ANCAMAN TERHADAP KEAMANAN INFORMASI OLEH SERANGAN CROSS-SITE SCRIPTING (XSS) DAN METODE PENCEGAHANNYA 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Suroto Suroto [email protected] Asman Asman [email protected] <p><em>Information stored on websites or the internet makes it easier for users to exchange information. Of course, only authorized users have access to this information. The amount of information that is spread and stored on the internet invites people who are not entitled to get that information. Various methods are used to obtain access rights and information. One of them is to carry out an attack called Cross Site Scripting Attack. Websites become the target of this type of attack. In this paper, an explanation of what is meant by a Cross Site Scripting attack, how this attack is carried out, and ways to prevent it. Knowledge of this type of attack is indispensable for developers of Web-based information systems. Because this attack works by exploiting programming errors or writing program code in an information system.</em></p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Suroto Suroto, Asman Asman RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN ASET IT PADA PT BATAM AERO TECHNIC LION AIR BERBASIS WEB 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Achsanul Maulana [email protected] Gandhi Sutjahjo [email protected] <p><em>At PT Batam Aero Technic (hereinafter referred to as the BAT hangar) there are 300 computers and laptops which were purchased by BAT hangars and a number of printers, copies of photo machines, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and others. from all of these asset data on managed files there is a risk of missing data and difficulty finding data that requires computer repair. Then in the management of IT assets do not have a secure track record of documents. From the problems above, the development of this application is a solution to the problem above. This application makes it easy to manage asset data and can manage IT assets through the application system and also reduces the risk of data loss.</em><em></em></p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Achsanul Maulana, Gandhi Sutjahjo SISTEM INFORMASI PENERIMAAN PESERTA DIDIK BARU (PPDB) BERBASIS WEB PADA SMK PERTIWI 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Fendi Hidayat [email protected] Annisa Rahmadia [email protected] <p><em>Computer-based information systems are now an indispensable thing for today's needs. Many fields have utilized computer-based information systems as a means to facilitate work. The acceptance process of new learners is still a lot that uses conventional system, so prospective new learners sometimes difficult to do the registration process. To be able to solve the problems that occur in the acceptance of new learners is established this information system. PPDB online Information System will make the implementation of PPDB more transparent, accountable, and accommodating. Schools can reduce, even eliminate the cheating-fraud that occurs in the implementation of PPDB manually. Thus, there will be no other parties who feel dissatisfied or harmed</em>. </p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fendi Hidayat, Annisa Rahmadia SISTEM INFORMASI PENGELOLAAN STOK BARANG PADA KOPERASI KEMENTERIAN AGAMA KOTA BATAM BERBASIS WEB 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Erfan Fa’i Sutekno [email protected] Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah [email protected] <em>Cooperative of Kementerian Agama Kota Batam has a business section called Warung Serba Ada (Waserda) which has a role as a provider of office equipment and operations for its members. In the process of activities there are problems encountered, namely goods are often out of stock, the location of the member office is far from waserda, members have difficulty seeing the latest prices of each item of goods, members have difficulty making the correct Budget Cost Planning and Waserda has difficulty in managing data and stock of goods. From these problems, we need an Information System that can solve these problems. This research uses the method of observation, literature study and interviews. Then an analysis of the system is carried out to determine the system requirements, then design a new system and build a web-based inventory management application. And finally do the testing with the Balck Box testing method. The results of the research are manifested in the form of an application program “Sistem Informasi Pengelolan Stok Barang Pada Koperasi Kementerian Agama Kota Batam Berbasis Web”, which can assist the Cooperative in managing Waserda starting from data on goods, stock, sales, purchases and payments of members' debts. From the results of testing applications that have been built, all menus can run well and according to function</em>. 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Erfan Fa’i Sutekno, Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah SISTEM INFORMASI PENDAFTARAN PASIEN BERBASIS WEB DI RUMAH SAKIT BHAYANGKARA BATAM DENGAN PHP DAN MYSQL 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Jamaloeddin Yaro [email protected] Dodi Putra Yani [email protected] <p><em>The web-based patient registration application at Bhayangkara Hospital in Batam is one of the applications engaged in the health sector that is helping patients to register easily. In registering patients, patients usually have to come to the Bhayangkara Batam Hospital to register with the registration section and then tell the patient's identity and complaints to the officer who registered the patient, this will make the patient time inefficient because they have to queue to wait their turn to register it. For that reason, the writer will make an application that is able to overcome these problems. In resolving these problems, the authors collect data and facts that exist in the application and then create a web-based patient registration information system at Bhayangkara Hospital in Batam that suits the needs of patients. In making a web-based patient registration information system at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Batam, the author uses the MySQL programming language. By creating a web-based patient registration information system at Bhayangkara Hospital in Batam it is expected to be able to deal with existing problems, namely obtaining ease of registering so that it does not waste time, efficiently, and effectively.</em></p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Jamaloeddin Yaro, Dodi Putra Yani RANCANG BANGUN RUMAH KOST BERBASIS WEB UNTUK MEMUDAHKAN PENCARIAN KOST DI KOTA BATAM 2021-06-28T09:57:46+00:00 Nur Sipa Apiyatul laily [email protected] Rapina Rapina [email protected] <p><em>There a many problems to find boarding house such as find information from printed media, manually find </em>from letter "Terima Kost”. Therefore, it make a problem how to find a boarding house, that is what we wanted, because the searcher don’t know area and haven’t any friend that is know about boarding house, <em>and how to booking boarding</em> <em>house. In Information System Based of Website Booking Boarding House, the author uses the waterfall system development. The waterfall method has many steps such as requirements analysis and specification, design, coding and testing, integration and system testing, maintenance. The result is an information reservation system of boarding house in Pekalongan websites based that can give information of boarding house as a boarding search and can make online reservations.</em></p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Nur Sipa Apiyatul laily, Rapina Rapina