
  • Muharromah Nur Wakhidah Universitas Batam
  • Christiani Prasetiasari Universitas Batam


Kata Kunci:

Murder, Inclusion, Other Crimes


In this study, the author examines the title of Juridical Analysis of Guidance Cases Accompanied by Other Crimes (Research Study in the Batam District Court) with the formulation of the problem namely How is the legal arrangement of the Guidance Case Accompanied by Other Crimes and How are the implementation, factors and constraints along with solution in the Case of Guidance Accompanied by Other Crimes (Research Study in Batam District Court)? The problem approach in this study uses a normative and empirical juridical approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The method of collecting data in this study is to use library research and field research. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis. In a murder case that is accompanied by a criminal offense is regulated in article 339 of the Criminal Code. The trial process carried out by the Judge at the Batam District Court is in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code, but the judge still faces obstacles in carrying out the trial. The results showed that, the Batam District Court was appropriate in applying the sentence to the murder case accompanied by other crimes despite the obstacles of the victim's family during the trial process. Therefore the authors suggest that further enhance the security system and increase cooperation with other agencies to minimize criminal acts.

Biografi Penulis

Muharromah Nur Wakhidah, Universitas Batam

Department of Law, Faculty of Law

Christiani Prasetiasari, Universitas Batam

Department of Law, Faculty of Law


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