DOI: Kunci:
Hukum KriminalAbstrak
Protection is a method or process or act to protect. Protection has meaning is the right that is obtained by everyone in the territory of a country in the form of the right to obtain or obtain security and comfort, so that people feel calm and peaceful. Associated with welfare, protection becomes the dominant factor because it requires a guarantee from the state administration and other agencies. This is interesting for the author to examine how the legal arrangements regarding the protection of the welfare of outsourced workers in the field of security services at PT. Putra Tidar Perkasa and how to implement factors, constraints, and solutions to protect the welfare of outsourced workers in the field of security services at PT. Putra Tidar Perkasa. The method used in this study is empirical normative, with descriptive research type, where in this study will be described how about protecting the welfare of outsourced workers in the field of security services at PT. Putra Tidar Perkasa regulated in Act Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. Sources of data in this study using library research, field and interview methods, as well as secondary data and primary data. Data analysis uses qualitative analysis. Laws or regulations have been established by the Government but in their implementation there are still many obstacles that affect the fulfillment of welfare protection. Especially in accordance with Chapter X which discusses the protection, wages and welfare. Especially in Article 88 concerning wages and Article 99 concerning labor social security. The results showed that, PT. Putra Tidar Perkasa has implemented the laws and regulations in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower quite obediently despite obstacles with supervision from relevant agencies in this case the Batam City Manpower Office. Therefore the authors suggest that further improve the system of supervision in the fulfillment of this welfare protection.Referensi
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