DOI: Kunci:
Ship, sailing approval letter, cruiseAbstrak
This journal is titled Juridical Analysis of Passenger ship departure without a sailing approval letter, research study in the Office of Kesyahbandaran and Special Port Authority of Batam, with construction Problem:-How is the legal arrangement of the passenger ship's departure without a sailing letter?; and implementation, constraints and regulatory solutions to passenger ship departures without a sailing letter? This qualification/journal writing type uses normative legal writing, which is supported by sociological/empirical legal research. To analyse some of the issues in this journal is used a major theory of Utilities/benefits theory, which is stated by Jeremy Betham, a legal theory aimed at realizing the sheer benefit of the people, as well as Accident theory by Heinrich (Domino theory) namely that an accident occurred from a series of events, there are 5 factors related in the series of accidents occur namely, the environment, human error, deed or unsafe conditions, accidents and injuries or losses, and Theory of Peace Theory (peace), according to this theory in a state of peace (peace) there is abundance, strong is not oppressed the weak, the right to actually get the right and there is protection for the people. The law must be able to create peace and prosperity not merely order. The legal arrangement of the ship's departure without the express approval letter is contained in the law No. 17 of 2008 on the Voyage and act No. 1 year 1946 on criminal law and law No. 8 year 1981 on law Criminal events.Referensi
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Wawancara :Capt. Tohara, M.Mar,M.MTr selaku Kepala Seksi Keselamatan Kapal, Hari Senin Tanggal 15 Juli 2019 Bertempat di Kantor Syahbandar dan Otoritas Pelabuhan