
  • Novia Arfani Batam University
  • Siti Nurkhotijah Batam University



In this thesis research, the writer takes the title Juridical Analysis of the Police Person Who Commits the Crime of Narcotics Abuse. This is interesting to be investigated by law in law enforcement against Persons Police who commit narcotics crime and implementation, security factors and law enforcement solutions to criminal police officers. narcotics crime.               The method used in this research is juridical empirical, with the type of descriptive research, in which this research will explain how the implementation of law enforcement against police officers who commit narcotics crime which is reviewed according to the aspects of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. Sources of data in research using library research, field and interview methods, as well as secondary data and primary data. data analysis using qualitative analysis.               Narcotics are substances that can cause certain effects for those who use this method of entering the drug in their bodies. the government mandates the authority to enforce the law on drug elimination to the National Narcotics Agency and the Indonesian National Police. Law enforcers in Indonesia, the National Police, as the state apparatus for law enforcement, are required to be able to carry out law enforcement duties in a professional manner by cutting off syndicate networks from abroad through cooperation with related agencies in eradicating narcotics crimes. but in reality there are many unscrupulous police officers involved in drugs and the enforcement is not working properly. There are members of the National Police and the Indonesian National Army who participate as dealers and users of these narcotics. Even though they are expected to be able to set an example for the community to stay away from narcotics               The results showed that the process of police officers who committed criminal acts was carried out by other civil citizenship processes. Namely, using the criminal law rules contained in the Criminal Code after receiving a permanent decision from the court, then the disciplinary punishment for Police members by Propam is a form of responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedure law in force in Indonesia.

Biografi Penulis

Novia Arfani, Batam University

Department of Law, Faculty of Law

Siti Nurkhotijah, Batam University

Department of Notary, Faculty of Law


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