Hyperglicemia with Hypertension of Patients at Botania Health Center Batam City


  • Denixon Pakpahan Universitas Batam
  • Ana Faizah Universitas Batam
  • Dedy Asep Universitas Batam
  • Agung Ruhdiyat Universitas Batam


The incidence of hypertension in Indonesia tends to increase every year. In Batam, the incidence of hypertension in 2018 was 11,780 and the highest was at the Botania Health Center. Incidence of hypertension January-February 2018 totaled 517 sufferers. Based on the results of the researcher's interviews with 17 hypertensive patients, it was found that 8 of the 17 hypertensive patients were accompanied by hyperglycemia. Many factors cause hypertension, one of which is hyperglycemia (Tambayong, 2000). The aim of this study is to know the relationship between hyperglycemia and hypertension. Analytical Survey Design with a retrospective approach. The population is hypertension patients who take treatment at the Botania Health Center. Samples of hypertension sufferers who do treatment. Sampling technique with purposive sampling as many as 168. Observation sheets for hyperglycemia and checklists for hypertension. Location and time of study at the Botania Health Center June 1 - July 1 2019. Data were processed and analyzed using the chi-square test. The results show a p-value (0.383 > 0.05). The conclusion that there is no relationship between hyperglycemia and hypertension in patients. It is hoped that further research will pay attention to the methodology used (design, sampling and analysis test).




