
  • Fera Novianti Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines Universitas Batam, Batam, Indonesia
  • Ika Novita Sari Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines Universitas Batam, Batam, Indonesia



ABSTRACTIUD contraception is very effective, reversible, long-term and can be used by all women of reproductive age. Behind the success of IUD contraceptives, there are also side effects that can harm health. Menorrhagia is one of the effects most often complained about by IUD acceptors. The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between menstrual duration and hemoglobin level in KB-IUD acceptors. This study uses an observational analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study is all KB-IUD acceptors. This study was conducted on 73 respondents who were selected as samples with purposive sampling technique. This research was carried out in Tanjung Uma Subdistrict, Lubuk Baja District, from June to July 2015. Data collection tools used were the checklist. The results of the study were analyzed univariately and bivariate. Univariate results obtained more than half the normal menstrual period and more than half the normal hemoglobin level. The results of the bivariate analysis with chi-square test obtained p-value = 0.003 (<0.05), meaning that H0 is rejected, then there is a relationship of menstrual duration with HB levels in KB-IUD acceptors. With an OR value of 4,431. The results of this study are expected to Tanjung Uma Village to play an active role in providing health education in support of Family Planning programs, especially IUD contraception so that it can optimize the function of contraception and side effects management. Keywords: Menstrual Duration, Hemoglobin Level, KB-IUD acceptor

Biografi Penulis

Fera Novianti, Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines Universitas Batam, Batam, Indonesia

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines 

Ika Novita Sari, Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines Universitas Batam, Batam, Indonesia

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines 


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