The Effect Of Water Therapy Of Salam Laveas On Blood Pressure In Hypertension Patient Rubber Village RT 002 RW 001 Batu Besar Nongsa


  • Tutut Astuti Universitas Batam
  • Cica Maria Universitas Batam
  • Vesdiana Universitas Batam


Hypertension according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a condition in which blood vessels have a persistent systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg. Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the pressure of the arterial walls when the blood is pumped by the heart throughout the body. The higher the blood pressure, the harder the heart works (WHO, 2013). This study aims to obtain an overview or real experience in providing nursing care to hypertensive patients. METHOD: This study uses a descriptive method in the form of a case study approach. Nursing care by taking one case as the unit of analysis. The unit of analysis is a patient with hypertension in Kampung Karet RT 002 RW 001 Batu Besar Nongsa. Data collection methods are interviews, physical examinations and supporting examinations. The data collection instrument uses the Nursing Care format according to the provisions which include Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, Implementation and Nursing Evaluation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Subject 1 and subject 2 had problems with ineffective Health Management and discomfort. In subject 1 and subject 2 there was an increase in health status and several problems were resolved. And the problem to be solved is Health management. CONCLUSION: In subject 1 and subject 2 there is 1 problem that is resolved, namely Health Management, 1 problem is partially resolved, namely discomfort.




