
  • Saefullah Hasyim Universitas Batam
  • Herliana Bakri Universitas Batam


Kata Kunci:

Weight, Blood Cholesterol Total, Elderly


High blood cholesterol levels that can lead to various diseases, especially in the elderly who have experienced a reduction in body functions. One way that can reduce total blood cholesterol levels is to lose weight. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of weight to the total blood cholesterol levels in the elderly.Designs in this study using Analytic observational design with cross sectional approach. Population and sample in this research is the elderly who visited the health center SekupangBatam Year 2015 amounted to 32 respondents. The sampling technique with purposive sampling. Tool data collection is done by using observation sheet. Data collection techniques used in the independent variables with the observation weighing on the elderly and the Dependent variables with direct observation in total blood cholesterol levels. Data were analyzed using chi-square. Based on the test results show that the chi-square p value 0.002 (where α <0.05), which means that Ho is rejected. Most respondents have total cholesterol levels ≥ 200mg/dl, which means abnormal weight due to factors in the elderly, after reducing weight, less than half the elderly have total blood cholesterol levels in the normal range is < 200mg/dl. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between weight with total blood cholesterol levels in the elderly. Expected in the elderly to maintain body weight so that the total blood cholesterol remains normal.

Biografi Penulis

Saefullah Hasyim, Universitas Batam

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines

Herliana Bakri, Universitas Batam

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicines


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