
  • Rini Susanti Universitas Batam


Kata Kunci:

Stress, Duration of Drug, Users Rehabilitation


Stress is a mental disorder that a person faces due to compulsion. This compulsion arises from the failure of the individual to meet his needs or desires. Drug users can have the effects of stress can be caused by family criticism, friends and society or can also be caused due to long rehabilitation. This type of research is quantitative, the design of this study is descriptive analytic, with cross-sectional approach analyzes of dependent and independent variables in the same period or at the same time. The population in this study were drug users who were or were in rehabilitation at Loka Rehabilitasi BNN Batam City is a total of 41 respondents, sampling in this research with simple random sampling. Data were collected by using questionnaires to respondents, then the data were analyzed univariat and bivariate with computer using Chi squre statistic test. The results showed from the lack of duration of rehabilitation with mild stress as much as 3 people (20.0%), not long rehabilitation with moderate stress as much as 6 people (40,0%), not long rehabilitation with severe stress as much as 6 people (40,0%), Also obtained long rehabilitation with mild stress as much as 5 people (19.2%), long rehabilitaqtion with moderate stress as many as 13 people (50.0%), and long of rehabilitation with severe stress as many as 8 people (30.8%). The results of statistical tests show (p value = 0.8) meaning that there is no significant relation between stress and duration of drug users rehabilitation at Rehabilitation BNN Batam City 2017. From the results of the study can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between stress with duration of rehabilitation at Rehabilitation BNN Batam City 2017.

Biografi Penulis

Rini Susanti, Universitas Batam

Department Of Psychology Science, Faculty of Medicines


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