Subjective Well Being Amongst Health Practitioner: A Paradigm In Pandemic Covid-19


  • Yuditia Prameswari Universitas Batam
  • Maryana Maryana Universitas Batam


Kata Kunci:

Subjective WellBeing, Covid-19, Health Workers Practitioners, Mental Health


With COVID-19 rapidly spreading worldwide, health practitioner is one of the areas that cannot be avoided from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the enactment of the Local Government's call to self quarantine and Social Distancing, impact on their lives related to their role as workers and as a human being. Especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, health workers everywhere are described as the vanguard of services who in addition to protecting the public from the Corona Covid-19 Virus. Subjective well-being is a self-evaluation of one's life based on a cognitive evaluation of life satisfaction and an evaluation of affective and positive emotions (Diener, Lucas & Oishi, 2002). This is quantitative study with a correlational survey method, using total purposive sampling technique with 68  respondents. The instrument used in this study was the Subjective Well-Being Scale which was adapted based on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Cronbach alpha α = .941) with 60 respondents (88%) with Subjective WellBeing values. The source of energy and positive emotions of health workers during the Covid pandemic is social support, community compliance, and assurance of government policies

Biografi Penulis

Yuditia Prameswari, Universitas Batam

Departemen Ilmu Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Batam, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Maryana Maryana, Universitas Batam

Departemen Ilmu Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Batam, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia


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