Teenage Party Goers’ Motivation for Clubbing in Batam 2018


  • Rusdani Rusdani Universitas Batam



Kata Kunci:

Motivation, Clubbing, Teenagers


A very rapid change in Batam, unavoidably changes in society’s behavior, moreover with the global rivalry makes Batam trying continuously to make a change that make the society continuously motivated. Teenagers play a big role in this change, but unfortunately teenagers nowadays only live for pleasure. Teenagers search for entertainment spots, one of those places is nightclub. Batam is a city that adjacent to the neighbor country, Singapore that has the very exotic night, which will make teenagers entertained and fell into things that make them happy and can forget problems they are facing. This study was intended to determine the teenage party goers’ motivation for clubbing in Batam. This study is a qualitativedescriptive study. The subjects are two teenage party goers in Batam, aged 22-23 years old which fond of clubbing with range from two to four times a week. The data collection for this study is using the interview method. There are intrinsic motivations that underlie each subject while they go clubbing that is on the basis of the problems they face with the purpose of getting entertained and pleasure due to feeling tired and burdened with works and lecture activities they live. Meanwhile, there are also extrinsic motivation arising from clubbing activities that they do due to the influence of other people’s invitation and presence of avoiding punishment because they do not want to be considered as an unfaithful person. From the interviews’ results, researcher obtained there are intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that motivate the teenage party goers’ to go clubbing in Batam. 

Biografi Penulis

Rusdani Rusdani, Universitas Batam

Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Batam Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonessia 


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