Relationships about the Prevention of Diarrhea with the Event of Diarrhea on the Toddlers in Posyandu Baloi Permai Batam City in 2020


  • Yuli Mariany Universitas Batam


Kata Kunci:

Awareness, Prevention of Diarrhea, Genesis Diarrhe


Diarrhea is a disease Characterized by Increased frequency of defecation more than usual (3 or more per day) the which is accompanied by changes in the shape and consistency of the faeces of Patients. According to the health center Baloi Permai Batam number of toddlers with diarrhea from Researchers do prasurvei that there are 13 mothers who visit a health center for children Examined Baloi Reviews their Batam Baloi Permai Obtained seven mothers who still lack knowledge about how to prevent diarrheal diseases, and of the Data IHC Rose XII There are number of infants as much as 74 people. This study Aimed to link the level of knowledge of mothers on prevention of diarrhea with diarrhea in the toddler in health center Baloi Permai Batam City. This type of research is Analytic Survey with cross sectional approach, conducted in Kota Permai Posyandu Baloi Batam City. The population in this study were toddlers aged 1-3 years. Perposive sampling sampling techniques, sample number 36 in the toddler health center Baloi Permai Batam City. Results of univariate, mother knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea result of more than half of mothers have less knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea in toddlers as much (69.4%). The incidence of diarrhea in toddlers in Posyandu Baloi Permai more than half did not happen as much diarrhea (58.3%). Bivariate test results, are a significant relationship between mother knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea with diarrhea in the toddlers in health center Baloi Permai Batam City with p value = 0.012 > 0.05, with the value Odd Ratio of 0.146. Conclusion there is a significant Relationships About The Prevention Of Diarrhea With The Event Of Diarrhea On The Toddlers In Posyandu Baloi Permai Batam City 2020. With ap value = 0.012 > 0.05, with the value Odd Ratio of 0.146.

Biografi Penulis

Yuli Mariany, Universitas Batam

Program Studi Pendidikan Kedokteran, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Batam, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia 


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