
  • Bambang Apriyanto Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batam, Jl. Abulyatama No 5 Batam, 29464, Kepulaun Riau Indonesia
  • Gunawan T Hadiyanto Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batam, Jl. Abulyatama No 5 Batam, 29464, Kepulaun Riau Indonesia
  • Muhamad Sanusi Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batam, Jl. Abulyatama No 5 Batam, 29464, Kepulaun Riau Indonesia




Nowadays Air Conditioning have been used in many sectors. Split air conditioner is one of the commonly found in the market. Air filter is part of air conditioning which is functioning to filter the air from dust and impurities. Dirty air filter will reduce the quantity of air which is circulated during cooling process. Overall dirty air filter will reduce the performance of air conditioning system.Regarding to that reason, research and analysis about the above problem is required, by designing “Rancang Bangun Pendeteksi Kebersihan Saringan Udara Pada Mesin Pendingin Jenis Terpisah’. The research method is done by observing the air velocity of indoor unit. The air differential pressure and motor DC are used as a sensor. Data from sensor will be sent to Arduino Uno, then the result will be  shown in the LCD display and LED indicator.From this research, it is known that the signal from air differential pressure is too low although it use operational amplifier for gaining the signal. Meanwhile, the signal from DC motor is high and the operational amplifier is not required. Beside that, the air velocity of split air conditioning depend on its cooling capacity. The higher cooling capacity, the air velocity will be faster. The air velocity itself depend on the cleanliness of air filter. Dirty air filter will reduce the air velocity approximately 42%. Lower air velocity indicating the dirty level of air filter.

Author Biographies

Bambang Apriyanto, Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batam, Jl. Abulyatama No 5 Batam, 29464, Kepulaun Riau Indonesia

Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik

Gunawan T Hadiyanto, Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batam, Jl. Abulyatama No 5 Batam, 29464, Kepulaun Riau Indonesia

Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik

Muhamad Sanusi, Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batam, Jl. Abulyatama No 5 Batam, 29464, Kepulaun Riau Indonesia

Jurusan Tekinik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik


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