CV. Anugrah Jaya is a company engaged in the sale of used cars. This company was established in 2011 and still using conventional in the process of selling used car sales reports, this causes peroses used car sales takes a long time in the sales report, this is in because all the sales process is still done manually so it must do the check One by one to avoid mistakes or omissions in recording used car sales data. The company should require the presentation of information more quickly and accurately. In addition to promoting the car in the CV. Anugrah Jaya companies are still using Facebook and Whatsapp media. For that CV. Anugrah Jaya needs a web-based sales information system using laravel framework. This application is able to provide solutions to any problems arising from the system that has not been computerized that had been in use. The meaning of the application is made to facilitate in the promotion of the car because it is not using social media like facebook and whatsapp.References
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