Computer-based information systems are now becoming indispensable to today's needs. Many areas have utilized computer-based information systems as a means to simplify the work. The number of problems in the sale of mountain meatballs and in the making of reports that seem very old which resulted in the need of this information system. Sales Information System Web Based Meatballs Sales Report is a system that processes data menu, menu type data, user data, branch data and payment. Information System Sales Report Meatball This produces a sales report. For access rights the owner can access all forms while the cashier can only conduct sales transactions and recap transactions. The method used in this information system development is by using UML (Unfied Modeling Language) method with use case diagram, class diagram and flowchart then applied to information system using Microsoft Visual Studio. The result of the information system that has been built is to simplify the process of selling transactions and making reports more quickly and accurately.References
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