
  • Robby Seplani Setywan Universitas Batam
  • Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah Universitas Batam



Absent of course refers to the gathering of data to determine student attendance at lectures. Each activity requires a student or information. It also occurs in the process of teaching and learning on campus, the University of Batam. One of them is the presence of a student uses to determine their college student while walking on campus. Intake of attendance data itself is still done manually using paper forms containing the names of students, and the department has many shortcomings, such as invalid data when data is entered incorrectly, so as to overcome the fraud is present, the authors build "Analysis and Design students presence information systems at the University of Batam with modeling Unified modeling language (UML) ". The results of the analysis and design of this construction can design Fingerprint application form, which will be used to roll up the data in the form of student Fingerprint. So fingerprints can help faculty to assess student learning while doing college attendance. In order to find out students who do not attend and reduce the impact of fraud in cheating students.

Biografi Penulis

Robby Seplani Setywan, Universitas Batam

Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknik

Nurhatisyah Nurhatisyah, Universitas Batam

Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknik


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