
  • Dedek Mulyansyah Universitas Batam
  • Muhamad Sigid Safarudin Universitas Batam



Sales system itself is an interconnected system (sellers with potential buyers) through the procedures and means of support to generate an ordering information and the occurrence of a seriousness in the deal. This study aims to analyze and design the Sales Information System in Kelong Pak Busu, stems from the problems that exist in the recording report that sales in Kelong Pak Busu still using manual recording, and not connected to database.Media in recording still using notebooks and not connected to database directly. therefore the researchers developed a system where the system can later be used to complete the system while the existing system to be used is the information system sales of fish in Kelong pack Busu using web based programming language PHP and will be connected to database mysql storage media , It is useful to keep the authenticity of the data both purchases and sales.The media created a web-based problem analysis is designed in accordance collected from the beginning and developed into a website with a simple display.

Biografi Penulis

Dedek Mulyansyah, Universitas Batam

Teknik Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknik

Muhamad Sigid Safarudin, Universitas Batam

Teknik Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknik


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