
  • Aulia Rahmad UniversitasBatam
  • Fendi Hidayat UniversitasBatam



Increasing technological developments encourage human nature to utilize and use technology as well as possible. The emergence of a mobile operating system called Android that has performance and decent performance with a smartphone for mobile phones that use the operating system. University of Batam is a college in the city of Batam which has many facilities, including a library that is widely used by students to add knowledge beyond the lessons obtained from the lecturers. At this time the data elaboration at the University of Batam library is still manual and there is no specific software to manage library data. With the problems that exist, we need an online library information system based on Android smartphone. This application contains information on book data available at the University of Batam library, making it easier for users to search for the desired book in real time. The method used in making this application is to use the design method is done by UML process (Unified Modeling Language) with use case diagram, class diagram and flowchart then applied into application using Android Studio for making android based application. The final result of this study is in the form of an Android-based online library information system. With a library information system created to minimize errors in the process of borrowing and returning books and making reports faster.

Biografi Penulis

Aulia Rahmad, UniversitasBatam

SistemInformasi, FakultasTeknik

Fendi Hidayat, UniversitasBatam

Sistem Informasi, FakultasTeknik, Universitas Batam


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