PT. Mackianos Batam is one of the companies engaged in the field of cable TV services located in the city of Batam. This company is a local media that specifically provide information and education for the people of the city of Batam and surrounding areas. Then PT. Mackianos Batam wants an app that can help some of the work processes in that agency. Currently PT. Mackianos Batam can be found in Batam only. Customer service system and payment administration Cable TV at PT. Mackianos Batam is still manually processed its registration example is still using the registration form, and payment transactions are still recorded using Microsoft Excel which resulted in the difficulty of this company to handle reports. Armed with it then there is a solution that is with the making of customer servicing applications and payment administration based on android.Sehingga can provide convenience to customers and employees in the registration, payment, complaints and reportsReferensi
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