
  • Twingga Hariati Dewi Universitas Batam
  • Devy Lestari Nurul Aulia Universitas Batam



Human Papilloma Virus vaccination is one of the premier prevention efforts for protecting women of the cervical cancer. Approximately, 70% of the cervical cancer is caused by the 16 and 18 virus of HPV. The cervical cancer is the most problem that happened in Indonesia lately, and 70% of them are found in advanced stadium. The aim of this research is for knowing or recognizing the influence of giving information about HPV immunization to the women child- bearing age’s knowledge and attitude. This research applies pretest – posttest one group design and takes ninety-nine participants of women of child – bearing age as the samples. The samples are taken by using “purposive samplingâ€. And have done in February to August 2018 in SeiLangkai Puskesmas, Batam city.  The data has analyzed by using “T- Test analysisâ€. The result of this research indicates the average of the knowledge of women child- bearing age is increase. That is proven by the data of the research, in which, before the information is given the average of their knowledge is 7, 91 ± SD 1, 67; and its increase to 10, 60 ± SD 1, 64 from the total score 15 and increase to 2, 69 after the information is given to them. And the average of their attitude before the giving information is 32, 95 ± SD 4, 02, and it is increase to 38, 04 ± SD 4, 24 from the total score 60 and increase to 5, 09.  The result of “T- Test “experiment is p-0,000 (p< 0, 05).  The conclusion of this research is there is an influence of giving information about HPV Immunization to the women child – bearing age’s knowledge and attitude. My suggestion is Respondents are able to increase or improve their knowledge and attitude about the benefits of HPV Immunization, and I wish they would desire to do the HPV Immunization.

Author Biographies

Twingga Hariati Dewi, Universitas Batam

Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran

Devy Lestari Nurul Aulia, Universitas Batam

Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran


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