Information system sales and home purchases is a system that provides information services in the form of transaction data on sales and purchases of houses and stocks of houses. The existence of this information system is very important in this case, PT. Dwi Mitra Sukses serve as a place of research, because the information system of sale and purchase of existing houses in place have not been well managed so often happened mistake in making of existing report, such as transaction processing data transaction, transaction processing transaction data, customer data processing. The purpose of this study is to provide convenience during the process of data processing home sales, facilitate the processing of sales and purchase transaction data, minimize eror in recording data purchases and sales data per period. The purpose of the research produced several uses consisting of practical and academic uses. The research method used in this research using the approach method used is a structured approach and the method of development using a prototype model. The data collection method used is primary and secondary data. The analysis tools used are table relation and entity relationship diagram (ERD). The devices used are : XAMPP and Notepad ++, this information system is built in order to provide convinience in processing data sales and purchases againts suppliers and processing reports sales and purchases to and accurate.Referensi
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