
  • Wellberg Nainggolan Universitas Batam
  • Lesmanul Fajar Universitas Batam



Rural enterprise has an important role in the economic development of the people. The company's form of service to the community is a savings and loan portfolio. Rural companies play an important role in helping to resolve the financial problems for the community.In the lending company should conduct research and calculations were observant of the prospective customer. Many factors must be considered when making a decision. The system currently running at. Graha Auto Plus is still not maximal use of the computer. Then the required tools or sufficient means, for example, necessary data processing tools such as computers and computer peripheral devices. Employees still use manual for inputting customer data will credit transactions. In order to get the maximum results, the necessary tools or sufficient means, for example, necessary data processing tools such as computers and computer peripheral devices and human resource capacity for the manufacture pengoperasiannya.Dalam design system design system modeling with UML.Rural enterprise has an important role in the economic development of the people. The company's form of service to the community is a savings and loan portfolio. Rural companies play an important role in helping to resolve the financial problems for the community. In the lending company should conduct research and calculations were observant of the prospective customer. Many factors must be considered when making a decision. The system currently running at. Graha Auto Plus is still not maximal use of the computer. Then the required tools or sufficient means, for example, necessary data processing tools such as computers and computer peripheral devices. Employees still use manual for inputting customer data will credit transactions. In order to get the maximum results, the necessary tools or sufficient means, for example, necessary data processing tools such as computers and computer peripheral devices and human resource capacity for the manufacture pengoperasiannya.Dalam design system design system modeling with UML.

Biografi Penulis

Wellberg Nainggolan, Universitas Batam

Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Sistem Informasi

Lesmanul Fajar, Universitas Batam

Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Sistem Informasi


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