The Taxation file management application is an application that manages tax files for processing or those that have been completed. By managing files, recording incoming files, recording outgoing files, calculating the estimated completion time of files and filing files will make it easier for employees to manage the files themselves. Batam Intermediate Tax Service Office is a tax office that carries out the management of the required files in accordance with tax rights and responsibilities and the files themselves. In research conducted to carry out systematic filing administration in order to facilitate tax officials in managing files. In making the analysis and design, the author conducts research on the tax files that are a problem so that the application can work later, so that employees no longer experience difficulties in managing files. The method used to design this system is SDLC.Referensi
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Undang-Undang No.7 Tahun 1971 tentang “Ketentuan Pokok Kearsipanâ€
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