Premenstrual Syondrome is a collection of physical and mental symptoms. Experienced 7-10 days before menstruation and disappears a few days after menstruation. The complaints experienced may vary from banan to moon and may become lighter and even heavier. Approximately 80 to 95% of women between 16-45 years experience distressing PMS symptoms. Health problems can be dizziness, depression, and feelings of excessive sensitivity about two weeks before menstruation is usually considered normal for women productive about 40% of women around the age of 14-50 years. Is there any influence of health education on the level of knowledge of young teen about (PMS) at SMPN 10 Batam Year 2017. Researcher use pretest-posstest one group design design. Pretest-possstest one group design from the study of 32 respondents obtained sebleum results given health education 9.32 ± 2.196 out of a total of 15 total scores after health education given 12.53 ± 1.047 of the total score. Increased knowledge of young adolescent with value Ï value; 0,000 about premenstrual syndrome at SMPN Batam in 2017. The conclusion of this research is the influence of giving information about premenstrual syndrome in the school because of the provision of information that has been done by the researcher and expected respondents can actively seek the latest information about premenstrual syndromeReferences
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