Midwives who want to run independent self-educated practice at least Diploma III (D-III) midwifery. Department of D-III Midwifery of the University of Batam was established in 2005 which has been accredited B by Ban-pt. Total samples in this study amounted to 30 case respondents and 30 control respondents, using purposive sampling techmique. The results showed that the factors that influence the decision of the students to study D-III Midwifery is the physical factor of the Batam University influenced the students decision 2,895 bigger than Stikes Awal Bros, the referens factorn influenced the decision of the students to enter the Prodi D-III Midwifery of Batam University 2,286 bigger than Stikes Awal Bros, accreditation factor influencing students decision to enter Study Program D-III Midwifery of Batam University equal to 16,429 bigger than Stikes Awal Bros, promotion is a factor influencing students decision to Prodi D-III Midwifery because promotion effect done University of Batam 1,571 times bigger from Stikes Awal Bros, the cose of education at the University of Batam 3,333 is more expensive than Stikes Awal Bros.References
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