Background the life of elderly need communication and social interactions with one another. Social interaction play a major role in elderly life. The lack of social interaction will cause the elderly to feel isolated, the feel of uselessness and these will make elderly to be more isolated and lonely. When the elderly feel more isolated, this will cause the elderly to be more fragile to psychiatric problem, one of them is depression. Methods this research method is analytical observational with cross sectional study, and conducted in Rumah Bahagia elderly nursing home in Bintan Regency. Sampling technique was total sampling, 45 samples were obtained. The results were analyzed by frequency distribution in cross tabulations which then tested by Chi-square test. The results showed that of the 45 samples, there were 21 elderly had bad sosial interaction with 3 (14.3%) elderly with mild depression level, 8 (38.1%) elderly with medium depression level, and 10 (47.6%) elderly with severe depression level. While there were 24 elderly have good social interaction, there are 16 (66.7%) elderly with mild level depression, 6 (25.0%) elderly with medium depression level, and 2 (8.3%) were in severe depression. Based on the statistical test, significant correlation of social interaction  and level of depression was obtained with p value of 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion based on these results we can conclude the presence of significant correlation of sosial interaction and level of depression in the elderly of Rumah Bahagia elderly nursing home in Bintan Regency 2017.References
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